Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I'm done!

Why do you make me feel like I'm totally wrong for feeling the way I do? Why do you make me feel like I'm the most worthless, fucked up person in the world?! Why do you always try and make me think that I'M the one thats messing everything up? YOU ARE NOT PERFECT! YOU have things YOU need to work on too. STOP! I can't take this anymore! You don't give a flying fuck about me, my issues or my feelings! All you care about is making yourself feel better!

At least I'm TRYING to better myself. But I'm OBVIOUSLY not doing it fast enough or the way YOU want! I'm sick and tired of YOU controlling my mood and my feelings! NO MORE! I'm finally standing up for myself! I AM a good person, cause I'm looking at my faults and changing them. You aren't doing ANYTHING to make this relationship work. All your doing is pointing out my faults, mistakes and trying to make me think that everything bad that happens in this relationship is my fault or in SOME way is my fault. I love you god damn it! More than anyone! And all you do is hurt, disappoint and reject me! I'm worth more than that! Despite what I've done!

All I wanted was your love. But obviously, in your mind...I will NEVER deserve it. No matter WHAT I do!

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